♻︎ Eco-Friendly Practices ♻︎

Running an Eco Conscious Business...

As a small business owner, artist and human, I am always looking for ways to be more eco-friendly. I want my customers to have faith that their products are coming from a place with minimal waste and with the planet in mind.

I carefully choose all the companies and suppliers I use to make my products. I favour small businesses local to me in the UK - I love to use Print.Work for all my printing needs! I source materials and packaging as locally as possible too - www.eco-craft.co.uk are brilliant for this! 


More about my suppliers, mailers and materials...

My shop is almost plastic free! Woohoo!

All my mailers are 100% recyclable and made from Recycled materials.

I only use compostable bio cello bags if deemed necessary, otherwise, I ship in recyclable paper glassine bags. (These are recyclable with your household paper waste) 

The paper tape I use can be recycled with household cardboard waste. (In the UK this can be left on cardboard packaging to be recycled, so no need to separate!)

If there is ever any plastic such as bubble wrap in your order, know that it is reused! I'm switching to tissue paper and card filling for those orders that need a little more protection. I also reuse any mailers and cardboard that receive so don't be surprised if your order comes in a used mailer.

The Gouache paints I use are water based, which means that I can significantly reduce any paint waste. This is because I can reuse or 'reactivate' the paint leftover on the palette. 

I recycle as much as I can at home and cut down my personal plastic use as much as possible. I use reusable and refillable products where I can too. 


♥︎ Other Eco Conscious companies I use and love... ♥︎

Naked Sprout - Unbleached Toilet Roll (B-Corp)

Smol - Laundry detergent and other planet friendly cleaning products 

Ethique - Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

Ecosia - Web browser (Alternative to Google) 

I try to do the best I can for the planet whilst making mindful choices to reduce my overall waste. I couldn't imagine running my business without first considering my impact on the planet. Please feel free to ask me any questions and send me more of your favourite Eco conscious recommendations! 


Thanks for reading :-)